Monday, March 30, 2015

You Are The One

Alhamdulillahirrobil 'alamiin Allah mempertemukanku dengan jodoh terbaik pilihanNya. Perjalanan panjang yang kami lalui dalam mencari dan menjemput jodoh terbaik pilihan Allah begitu panjang. Canda, tawa, tangis dan haru kami lalui.

Kini Allah telah menghalalkan kami berdua menjadi suami istri, doakan kami agar bisa menjalani kehidupan ini dalam ketaatan kepada Allah Ta'ala. Doakan kami segera diamanahi putra putri yang shalih & shalihah.

Khitbah 010315

Our Wedding Day 080315

Terima kasih kepada keluarga besar, sahabat, kerabat, teman-teman & semua pihak yang ikut bersusah payah hingga terlaksana pernikahan kami. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan kalian dengan berlimpahnya rizki, berkah, rahmat & kasih sayang dari Allah. Semoga surga balasan untuk kalian.

I thought of this before over a million times
Who would've ever thought that it would be our time?
I just know it, 'cause you're the one

It ain't a selfish love, when I'm with you
You remind me of Allah, and so I know it's true
I'll just say it: you are the one

Won't you be my BFF (best friend forever) and ever?
Won't you be my partner after this world?
We'll see it, when we believe it together
Dreams are meant to be, 'cause you're the one for me

I never thought that I would ever feel this way
I ask Allah to bless you every single day
I'll just say it, 'cause you're the one
And when times are tough, and we've got the world to see
Standing right beside you is where I want to be

I just know it: you are the one

Won't you be my BFF (best friend forever) and ever?
Won't you be my partner after this world?
We'll see it, when we believe it together
Dreams are meant to be, 'cause you're the one for me

I prayed about this just over a million times
Who would ever thought that I could call you mine?
I just know it, 'cause you're the one
And when there's gray in our hair and we've not much to do
I want to spend the rest of my days with you…
Oh don't you know it?

You are the one, you are the one
Oh won't you be the one?